Blaze and the Monster Machines Wiki

Gasquatch! Transcript


Blaze and AJ are at the top of two lane mud slides.
Blaze Here I GO!
AJ Wait for me!
They slide down them.
Blaze Whoo-hoo!
AJ Whee!!!
Blaze Whoa! Hahaha!
AJ Hahaha, yeah!
Blaze Hang on!
AJ Whoo!!! 
Blaze and AJ land in mud with a big splash.
AJ (giggles)
They get out of the mud.
AJ That was definitely our muddiest splash yet!
Blaze Oh, yeah? Well, how about this?!
Blaze shakes himself and mud flies everywhere.
Blaze and AJ (laugh)
Blaze (to the viewer:) Hey there. I'm Blaze, and that's my best friend, AJ.
AJ Today, we're getting super muddy, because it's...
Zoom out to show a mud-themed festival.
Blaze and AJ Mud Fest!
Stripes, Darington, Zeg and Starla are here, also muddy.
Blaze Check it out, all our friends are here for a giant mud party! There are mud slides...
Red Truck (slides down a slide into mud) Whee-hee!
Blaze There are mud games...
Gus (knocks down all the jars at a mud ball toss) Yeah!
Joe Oh-ho, all right!
AJ There's even a mud mountain!
Pans up a giant mountain covered in mud. Gabby comes over, also muddy and holding a ball.
Gabby Hey, Blaze! AJ! You guys wanna play Mud Ball with us?
Blaze Sure!
AJ Yeah!
They join the others at a volleyball court and splash in the mud.
Blaze Whoo-hoo!
AJ Whoo-hoo! Yeah!
Gabby Whoo-hoo!
Monster Machines and AJ (laugh)
Gabby Now let's get muddy!
They start their game.
Monster Machines, AJ and Gabby (various cheering and laughter)
Zeg Zeg got it!
Darington Amazing!
Stripes Over to you!
Monster Machines, AJ and Gabby (more laughing)
Elsewhere, Crusher and Pickle are also attending Mud Fest; Pickle is muddy while Crusher tries to avoid the mud.
Pickle Wheeeooooo! Ho ho! (splatters mud)
Crusher Yuck!! Look at all this mud, it's disgusting!
Pickle Aww, come on, Crusher. All Monster Machines love mud. 
Crusher Not me, I can't stand mud!
Pickle Aww, that's just because you've never tried playing in the mud before. I bet you'd like it. Here, we can blow mud bubbles! (blows one and laughs)
The bubble floats toward Crusher and pops in his face; he winces.
Crusher Ick!! No thanks.
Pickle What about...muddy duckies?
Crusher (picks one up) Eww!! Never!
Pickle Ooh, ooh! How about we wear mud hats? (tries one on) Huh? (giggles)
Crusher Eeyuck!!! That's disgusting! (throws one over his shoulder)
Meanwhile, Blaze and his friends are still playing.
Zeg ZEEEEEG! (hits the ball too hard) Oopsie.
The ball lands next to Crusher.
Pickle Hey, look! A ball with mud on it!
He whacks the ball far away into the forest.
Darington Hey! Our ball!
Stripes Aww, we needed that!
Zeg Ugh...Crusher!!
Blaze Don't worry, guys, AJ and I can get the ball back.
AJ Yeah!
Pickle Ooh, ooh! And Crusher will help you, because he's the one who knocked it away. Right, Crusher? (smiles and blinks twice)
Crusher (growls) Oh, all right.
Blaze Great! (AJ gets on) Well then, follow us!
Both enter the forest; Blaze jumps a log.
Blaze and AJ Whoo-hoo!/Whoo-hoo, yeah!
Crusher (hits the log and screams)
Blaze splashes mud.
Crusher Ack! Ugh!
Blaze jumps over a bush; Crusher goes right through it and gets leaves on his face.
Crusher Oof! (spits)
They stop; AJ gets off.
Crusher (pants) Timeout...timeout... (sighs)
Blaze Our ball must've bounced over here somewhere.
A thudding noise fades up.
AJ (to the viewer:) I hear it bouncing this way. Where's the ball?
The ball appears, bouncing behind them; viewer shouts out where it is.
AJ Yeah! There it is!
Blaze I'll grab it!
Blaze jumps off a hill and grabs the ball.
Blaze Got it! (lands in some mud)
AJ Yeah-heh! Nice catch, Blaze!
Crusher Ick!! More mud!
Blaze All right, guys. Now what do you say we get going back to...?
The mud rises below him, revealing some sort of creature.
Crusher (whimpers) That's some kind of...MUD MONSTER!
The mud melts off its face; the creature, Gasquatch, smiles.
Crusher (screams) I'M GETTIN' OUTTA HERE!!! (runs away screaming)
Blaze Um...hi?
Gasquatch (chuckles) Oh, hey! I thought there was someone up there. Here, lemmie help you down.
He helps Blaze down and gets out of the mud.
Blaze Wow, thanks!
Gasquatch shakes mud everywhere.
Blaze and AJ (laugh)
Gasquatch Oh, where are my manners? My name's Gasquatch.
Blaze Nice to meet you, Gasquatch. I'm Blaze, and this is my friend, AJ.
Gasquatch Nice to meet you! I don't get a lot of visitors out here in the forest.
AJ You mean, you live in the forest?
Gasquatch Well...sure. Living out here is the best, I mean...look around! I've got trees...I've got fresh air... (inhales) And best of all, I've got...MUD! (jumps in the mud) Ha ha ha! (sings:) IIII loooove muuuud! (splashes)
Blaze (laughs) Hey, Gasquatch, if you love mud so much, you should come with us to Mud Fest!
Gasquatch Whoa, whoa, whoa! Mud Fest? What is that? Tell me everything!
AJ Mud Fest is the best! It's like a giant mud party!
Gasquatch Okay, now that sounds awesome.
Blaze So what do you say? You wanna come with us?
Gasquatch Really? Me? You'll take me to Mud Fest?!
Blaze (chuckles) Of course! (helps AJ on)
Gasquatch Well, yeah! Let's do it!
AJ All right, Gasquatch! Follow us!
Blaze drives off.
Gasquatch Ha ha! I'M GOIN' TO MUD FEST!
He hurries after Blaze; travel song starts.

Come on, let's hit the road
Get ready, here we go (Here we go!)
One, two, three, Let's Blaze!
Let's Blaze!

Come on and follow me (AJ: Woo-hoo!)
G-g-give me some speed (Yeah!)
One, two, three, Let's Blaze!
Let's Blaze!

One, two, three and four
Kick the petal to the floor
Seven, eight, Let's Blaze!

Song ends; Blaze and Gasquatch come to a snowy landscape.
Blaze Careful, Gasquatch! It's pretty icy!
They slide.
Blaze Whoo-hoo!
AJ Yeah!
Gasquatch (laughs) Whoo! This ice stuff is pretty slippery, huh?
Blaze It sure is!
AJ (laughs)
Blaze Whoa! (laughs)
Gasquatch Whee! Whoo-hoo!
Blaze and Gasquatch (laugh)
They stop next to a bush with purple berries. Suddenly...
Gasquatch Ah...ah...ah...ah...AHHHHHHH-CHOO!!!!!!! (echoes)
The sneeze shakes some trees, scattering some birds.
AJ Wow! That was some sneeze, Gasquatch!
Gasquatch Oh, yeah. It happens every time I get near those purple berries. Truckberries. As soon as I smell a truckberry, it's...ah...ah...ah...ah...AH-CHOO!!!!!!! (echoes)
Blaze Bless you!
AJ Uh-oh, guys, look!
A big rock is rolling down a hill in their direction due to the sneeze.
Blaze (gasps) A giant rock is sliding this way!
It lands on the ice.
Blaze Come on!
Blaze, AJ and Gasquatch (scream)
The rock chases them.
Gasquatch So, uh...guys, do we stop that thing?
Blaze That rock is really heavy. And when heavy things get going, they're hard to stop. That's called inertia.
AJ Come on, Blaze! Let's see if we can stop it!
He pushes the rock hard and strains.
Blaze I slowed it down, but... (grunts) I can't push hard enough to stop it!
Gasquatch Hey, you know, I'm pretty strong. Let me push!
He too is unsuccessful.
Gasquatch I slowed it down a little more, but I can't stop it, either!
AJ We've gotta figure something out, fast! Before we go off that cliff!
Up ahead is a cliff.
Blaze (to the viewer:) That big heavy rock has so much inertia, that I can't stop it, and neither can Gasquatch.
Gasquatch Man, if only we had some way to push a little harder.
Blaze Hmm...maybe we can stop it if Gasquatch and I push at the same time! Do you think we can stop it if we both push together?
Viewer responds with a positive remark, like "Yeah."
Blaze All right! Let's try it!
They push hard; the rock stops just as their tires touch the cliff edge.
Blaze We did it, Gasquatch!
Gasquatch Whoo! Ha, that was exciting!
AJ And now we can keep going and get to Mud Fest!
Gasquatch Oh, yeah! Mud Fest! (sings:) IIII loooove muuuud!
Blaze, AJ and Gasquatch (laugh)
Gasquatch Come on, guys! We gotta hurry and get there!
Blaze We're coming, Gasquatch!
They hurry on their way; STEM song starts.
AJ (Ooh-whoo-oo)

Heavy, heavy things are hard to stop (Ooh-whoo-oo)
When they're movin

Blaze and AJ

When objects are in motion (Yeah, yeah)
They tend to stay in motion (Yeah, yeah)
When objects are at rest
They tend to stay at rest

Heavy, heavy things are hard to stop (Inertia)
When they're movin' (Inertia)
Heavy, heavy things are hard to stop (Inertia)
When they're movin' (Ooh-ooh-ooh)

Issac Newton had a notion
It's his first law of motion (Inertia)
Heavy, heavy things are hard to stop (Inertia)
When they're movin'

Back at Mud Fest, Pickle plays in the mud.
Pickle (giggles)
Crusher (in distance, screaming)
Crusher comes out of the forest, bolting into a tent.
Pickle Crusher! You're back!...Crusher? Um...w-what are you doing?
Crusher (peeks out) Shh!!! I'm hiding from the giant mud monster that lives in the forest!
Pickle A mud monster that lives in the forest? Ooh-hoo-hoo-hoo! That's so exciting!
Crusher No, Pickle! It's terrible! He's...he's muddy, and he's huge...and he's muddy!
Pickle Oh! So, he likes mud? Huh, that doesn't sound so bad.
Crusher Pickle, I'm telling you, this mud monster is bad! We need to hide!
Pickle Well...all right, if you say so.
He squeezes into the tent.
Crusher Pickle, what are you doing?
Pickle (whispering) I'm hiding. With you, Crusher.
Crusher There's not enough room for two of us in here!
Pickle Sure there is! (hums)
He closes the tent and it begins to rummage around until it hops and splashes in the mud, falling apart.
Pickle (giggles) Oopsie.
Back in the forest, Blaze, AJ and Gasquatch come down a mud slide.
Blaze, AJ and Gasquatch (giggling)/Whoooo-hoo!
They stop at a river.
AJ Hey, good news, Gasquatch. We're almost at Mud Fest!
Blaze Yup. We just have to get across the water to that dock over there.
Gasquatch finds a raft.
Gasquatch Ooh! We can all ride there on this raft! (jumps on)
Blaze That's a great idea!
Gasquatch Yup, this raft is perfect, alright. It's big, it floats...
Wind blows, rustling the leaves on a bush and revealing truckberries on it.
Gasquatch It's right next to that bush full of truckberries...
Blaze Truckberries? That's not good. Truckberries make Gasquatch...
Gasquatch Ah...ah...ah...
Blaze and AJ SNEEZE!
Gasquatch Ah...ah...AHHHHHHH-CHOO!!!!!!! (echoes)
His sneeze is strong enough to send the raft floating down the river.
Gasquatch Oh, no! Agh!!
Blaze Hubcaps! He just sneezed the raft away!
AJ And he's not stopping!
Gasquatch (wails)
AJ gets off.
Blaze That raft is really heavy, and heavy things are hard to stop when they're moving. That's inertia.
AJ We need to engineer something to help him. We need...a tugboat! Tugboats are powerful boats that push heavy things on the water. A tugboat can push hard enough to stop Gasquatch's raft.
Blaze (to the viewer:) Quick! Let's turn me into a tugboat!
Transformation interface appears.
Blaze The first part we need is a hull. That lets the boat float on the water. To build a hull, say "Hull." Hull!
Hull materializes.
Blaze Awesome! Now we need fenders to protect the hull when we're pushing. To build the fenders, say "Fenders." Fenders!
Fenders materialize.
Blaze And last, we need a propeller that spins fast and makes our tugboat push really hard. To make the propeller, say "Propeller." Propeller!
Propeller materializes.
Blaze All right! I'm a Tugboat Mmmmmmonster Machine!!
Blaze transforms and AJ gets on; he zooms down the river.
Blaze Yeah!/Whoa-ho! Hahaha!
Gasquatch (in distance, screams)
AJ Blaze, look!
Zoom past Blaze to Gasquatch on the raft.
Gasquatch HEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Blaze Uh-oh, Gasquatch is headed for those sharp branches!
Up ahead are branches in the water.
AJ If his raft hits the branches, it'll pop, and he'll sink!
Blaze Tugboat to the rescue! Whoo-hoo!
AJ Yeah!
Blaze jumps over the raft.
Gasquatch Whoa-ho! Check you out!
Blaze starts pushing.
AJ (to the viewer:) We've gotta help Blaze push harder. Switching to Visor View.
He deploys his visor; a gauge appears over Blaze.
AJ Right now, Blaze is pushing with a force of 5. But to stop the raft, we need to push with a force of 15. Count to 15 with me. Start at 5.
Blaze pushes; gauge starts to go up.
AJ and Gasquatch 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15!
Blaze successfully pushes the raft.
Gasquatch Whoo!
AJ All right!
Gasquatch Whoo-hoo! That was amazing, Blaze! I've never seen anyone be a tugboat like that, before! You totally saved me!
Blaze Aww, you're welcome, Gasquatch. Now let's get you to that dock.
Gasquatch Wahoo!!! Ha ha ha!
Blaze pushes Gasquatch to the dock; both get out and Blaze returns to normal. In the forest, the sound of laughing trucks fades up.
AJ Listen, that sounds like Monster Machines playing and having fun!
Blaze It sounds like...
Up ahead is...
Blaze and AJ Mud Fest!
Gasquatch It's even more amazing than you said!
Blaze Come on, Gasquatch! Follow us!
Gasquatch Oh, this is gonna be great! (plays in a mud puddle and sings:) IIII loooove muuuud! (laughs and follows)
Meanwhile, Pickle is looking for Crusher.
Pickle Crusher! Oh, Crusher! Where are you?
Crusher (in distance) Psst! I'm here, Pickle! Look up!
Crusher is on top of Mud Mountain.
Pickle Whoa-ho! What are you doing on top of Mud Mountain? It's so high!
Behind Crusher, a storm cloud rolls in.
Crusher Heehee, I know! That's why it's the perfect place to hide from that mud monster! Nothing bad can happen to me up here!
The storm cloud crashes and lightning strikes.
Crusher (gasps) Oh, no! A storm cloud! (another strike) AGH!
One of his tires splashes into the mud hard.
Pickle Crusher?
Gabby and the other trucks gather round.
Trucks (gasp)
Zeg This bad! This very bad!
Gabby Crusher! You've gotta get down from there!
Crusher tries to, but he can't because of his tire, which somehow got stuck.
Crusher I can't! My tire's stuck in the mud! HE-E-E LP! I NEED HELP!
And here comes Gasquatch.
Gasquatch Excuse me, I think I can help!
Trucks and Gabby (gasp)
Pickle Wow! He's big!
The truck next to him nods; Blaze rolls up.
AJ But Gasquatch, how are you gonna save Crusher?
Gasquatch I was thinking, I could blow that storm cloud away with one of my giant sneezes!
Blaze That's a great idea! The storm cloud has inertia, but a powerful sneeze can push it away!
The storm cloud strikes.
Crusher AAAGH!!!
Gasquatch Ooh. But to sneeze, I'm gonna need truckberries. Enough to make me sneeze my biggest sneeze, ever!
Blaze Don't worry, Gasquatch. We'll find you some.
Off he goes; he grabs a jar and enters the forest.
Blaze (to the viewer:) To help Gasquatch make his biggest sneeze ever, we need enough truckberries to fill this jar.
AJ Remember, truckberries are purple.
Behind shot; Blaze passes various berry trees.
AJ So when you see any purple berries, say "Truckberries."
Blaze drives until a tree with purple truckberries comes into view; the viewer replies.
Blaze and AJ Truckberries!
Blaze Hang on, AJ!
He scoops up some from the tree.
Blaze All right! We got some!
AJ But we still need to fill the jar.
Blaze hurries on.
AJ So, keep looking.
Behind shot.
AJ And whenever you see purple truckberries, yell "Truckberries."
Time passes, the truckberry tree appears; viewer responds.
Blaze and AJ Truckberries!
He scoops them up.
Blaze Keep looking. When you see more truckberries, say "Truckberries."
Time passes, the truckberry tree appears; viewer responds.
Blaze and AJ Truckberries!
He scoops them up; the jar is filled to the top.
Blaze Whoo-hoo! We filled the whole jar!
In the distance, the storm cloud is getting closer to Crusher.
Crusher HE-E-ELP!
AJ Uh-oh, the storm cloud is almost at Mud Mountain!
Blaze We've gotta get these berries back to Gasquatch super fast! Let's use Blazing Speed!
His boosters deploy.
Blaze To give me Blazing Speed, we need to say "Leeeet's Blaaaaze!" Say it with me.
Blaze and AJ Leeeeet's Blaaaaaaze!
The speed unleashes and he hurries back through the forest. Crusher is still stuck; the storm cloud is really close now.
Crusher HELP! Isn't there someone, anyone who could save me?!
Gasquatch (climbing up) I'll save you!
Crusher (gasps) Oh, no! But,'re that mud monster I saw in the woods! Now I'm really doomed!! (sobs)
In the distance, Blaze honks his horn; he arrives at Mud Mountain, truckberries in hand.
Blaze Here, Gasquatch! Catch! (tosses him the jar)
Gasquatch Got it!
Crusher W-w-w-wait, what are you gonna do, now?!?
Gasquatch I'm gonna push that cloud away with a sneeze! (sniffs the truckberries) Ah...ah...AHHHHHHHH-CHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! (echoes)
The sneeze breaks the storm cloud into pieces and sends them away.
Trucks, AJ and Gabby (cheering)
Zeg Yeah!
Crusher You saved me! But...I thought you were a big, muddy monster.
Gasquatch Muddy monster? (laughs) No, I'm not a monster. But I do like mud! (splatters himself and laughs)
Crusher Huh? I guess I should've gotten to know you before...just deciding you were bad.
Gasquatch Hey, look on the bright side. Now you and me can be friends! (hugs him tightly)
Crusher Thank you...!!
Gasquatch Now hang on tight, friend, we're goin' down! (helps Crusher onto his head)
Crusher W-what? (screams)
Gasquatch slides down the mountain.
Gasquatch Whee! (laughs)
Crusher (screaming)
They reach the bottom.
Trucks, AJ and Gabby (cheering)
Crusher gets down.
Pickle (gasps) He saved Crusher! (hugs him)
Blaze Everyone, this is our friend, Gasquatch!
Gasquatch Hello, everyone! 
AJ Gasquatch came to play with us.
Gabby Oh, yeah? you like mud?
Gasquatch Nah, I don't like mud. (sings:) IIII loooove muuuud!
Monster Machines, AJ and Gabby (laughing and cheering
Blaze Come on, everyone! Let's get muddy!
Gasquatch (jumps in the mud) WAHOO! (laughs)
Trucks (various cheering and laughter)
Crusher (to a truck) Yeah, you know, that's my friend, Gasquatch back there. and him go way back.
Pickle (jumps off Gasquatch's back) Whee-hee!!!
He does a belly flop in the mud, splattering Crusher with mud all over.
Truck (laughs)
Crusher Yuck!
Gasquatch Hey, thanks you guys, for bringing me to Mud Fest. I'm really glad you're my friends.
Blaze And we're glad you're our friend too, Gasquatch.
Gasquatch Hey! Who wants to see my mud belly flop?
Stripes Totally!
Darington Why not?
Starla You know I do!
Gasquatch WHOOOOOOOO-HOO!!! (honks and splashes in the mud)
Everyone (laughing)
Iris out on Gasquatch, episode ends.

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Episode Transcripts
Blaze of GloryThe Driving ForceTool DuelThe Bouncy TiresEpic SailStuntmania!The Jungle HornThe Team Truck ChallengeCake-tastrophe!Truckball Team-UpThe Mystery BanditGasquatch!Truck RangersTrouble at the Truck WashZeg and the EggRunaway RocketCattle DriveDragon Island DuelSneezing Cold
Fired Up!Dino DashTruck or Treat!Race to the Top of the WorldMonster Machine ChristmasKnight RidersDarington to the Moon!Piggy 500Spark BugFive Alarm BlazeAxle City Grand PrixTreasure TrackRocket Ski RescueDinosaur ParadeRace Car SuperstarRace to Eagle RockSky TrackThe Wishing WheelPickle Power
DinocoasterThe Hundred Mile RaceThe Polar DerbyLight RidersCatch That Cake!The Bouncing Bull RacetrackMega Mud RobotKnighty KnightsAnimal IslandToucan Do It!Falcon QuestThe Big Ant-ventureReady, Set, Roar!The Great Animal CrownTow Truck ToughRace for the Golden TreasureNeed for Blazing SpeedFast FriendsRaceday RescueDefeat the Cheat
The Chicken Circus!The Pickle Family CampoutRobot PowerBreaking the IceRobots to the RescueThe Super-Size PrizeT-Rex TroubleMeatball MayhemRobots in SpacePower TiresNinja BlazeSnow Day ShowdownConstruction Crew to the RescueOfficer BlazeThe Flying LionRoyal RescueThe 100 Egg ChallengeBlaze and the Magic GenieThe Midnight MileNinja Soup
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Sparkle's Big RescueMail Truck BlazeKnights in Sparkling ArmorThe Snowflake GamesParamedic PowerRenewable Energy RacersMission to MarsThe Flying ContestThe Super SkateboardThe Baby Robot From Outer SpaceThe Yucky DuckyThe Pillow PirateSuper Wheels vs. The BubblemakerSuper Wheels vs. The Green QueenSuper Wheels vs. PancakeioArcade AdventurePickleworld!Super Slide TrophyWild West HeroesFlying Robot RescueThe Ice TreasureMagic Spell MayhemValentine's Day RescueThe Robot ChampionshipSuper Smash RaceSchool Bus Blaze!
The Pirate Grand Prix
Blazing ChallengeMonster Machine HalloweenThe Monster Machine Christmas ExtravaganzaBlaze Family PhotosPickle's Ocean AdventuresPickle's Pirate Professionals